
What is a Harness button?

Your button goes wherever your visitors do and increases conversions by allowing them to make a donation at any time, in just a few taps.

🔘 Create your button

Your button is pre-configured when you get your Harness account setup. We recommend you make it yours by customizing it to fit your brand and site feel.

  1. Change the color

  2. Customize the text

  3. Add an Emoji!

You can make your button more effective by adding custom elements to how it looks and feels.

  • Button Color = Pick your hex code

  • Roundness of Button:

    • 0 = a square button

    • 8 = defualt button

    • 40 = oval

  • Button Text = call to action examples can be text or you can add emojis

    • Examples include:

      • Join

      • Donate

      • Give

  • Button Icon = sometimes you would like an icon to represent your org

  • Button Placement = where you want your button to appear

    • Bottom Right

    • Bottom Left

Add button ⚡

Don't worry if you're not technical! We'll walk you through the setup process step by step :)

Step 1: Log in to your Harness Admin Dashboard

Step 2: In your "Settings" - click on the "Website Code" tab (or Click Here)

Step 3: Copy the "Harness your Website" Code

Step 4: Paste this code into your website's footer just before the </body> tag on all pages you'd like for the "Donate" widget to be displayed.

Last updated